That's right, I'm a juicer. Get over it. Last week we had cabbage, celery, and pear. This week it's grapefruit and carrot or apple and carrot, with a few raspberries last night. Oh and then there was the papaya drink with lime juice. Damn that was good. And we feel so healthy. My skin is clearer. I have more energy. Just one week of juicing every night, and there you go. All is well with the world.
Then today Matt went to the dentist. Matt, my courageous love muffin, is scared to death of the dentist. So I went with him. He was the only one there, and as I read nearly all of Thomas King's "Green Grass Running Water," I listened to the terrible sounds of the spit sucker and a drill -- for nearly an hour and a half. As he walks out with our lovely dentist, I hear her say, "do you eat a lot of candy?" Matt said, "No, we hate candy. We're anti-candy." [I then had a brief moment of loving the fact that he used "we" to answer. Aw.] "Hmmm," she said, perplexed. "Do you drink a lot of juice?" "Um. Yeah. Fruit juice? Yep, all day." "That's it," she said, and then she told him that they had a lot of filling to do today because of decay from sugar.
Oh man! Dude. Juicing is supposed to save the world. Juicing is peaceful, it is true manna, in drinkable form. And then it goes and betrays our asses like it doesn't care. Oh well, we'll just cut the fruit portion of the drinks down, or add soda to the fruity drinks. See, the world is well once again.
Matt couldn't feel his face for most of the night. I would make him laugh and he would look like a stroke victim on crack.
So tonight, we decided to forego the juice and have us some fried rice instead. I mean all that juicing means we get to eat bad stuff every now and again, right? Tomorrow night, I'm thinking carrot, spinach, and a little apple. Mmmmmmm.....
You're making me want the juice.
I totally feel Matt's pain. I've been to the dentist so many times this year, I could spit. That's a lot of times, believe me.
i cracked up on the stroke victim on crack bit!!
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