Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Chaos Manifesto

I believe in utter randomness, that the universe swirls without a care of me, and I love it.

I believe in not knowing a damn thing. Agnostic to the core and excited about possibilities.

I believe in the not yet, the yet-to-be springing out of now.

I believe we are beautiful accidents, fatally rotten to the core and thoroughly charming in our flaws.

I believe that time is the only thing that's perfect, the one damn thing that will never falter.

I believe that resolutions are the silliest, greatest things and I resolve today to be more grateful for the utter brevity of life and for the utter beauty of its imperfection.

I resolve to laugh at chaos even as it wounds.

1 comment:

Ty & Jaymie said...

I love this poem. In fact, it very well might be my favorite. Ever. Kudos to you, Om.